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What could polytechnic look like in the next 10 years

If Sixth Form Government/Polytechnic Institute could get a makeover what would changes would you like to see? These pictures inspired me to see an ultra modern version of what the school could look like.

Updated Sixth Form Polytechnic Alumni Blog

Welcome to the new Sixth Form Polytechnic Alumni blog. This blog will feature alumni interviews, polls, alumni events and articles of interest to the alumni. We want to network with all past students and encourage current students to join the alumni association. Connect with us on Facebook at Here/.

Special General Meeting (SGM)

Dear Associate/Ordinary Members of the Poly Alumni, Many of you have not been contacted since the last meeting around the end of 2010 and may be wondering if the Alumni "died a natural death". Not so, in fact the core executive members have been working since then. So far we have achieved:

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Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.This theme is Bloggerized by Lasantha Bandara -

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Poly Kixx 2 : 31st March 2012

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Special General Meeting (SGM) of The Poly Alumni

Dear Associate/Ordinary Members of the Poly Alumni,

Many of you have not been contacted since the last meeting around the end of 2010 and may be wondering if the Alumni "died a natural death". Not so, in fact the core executive members have been working since then. So far we have achieved:

1. PolyKIXX - A get-together and fundraiser in April 2011
2. Participation in various school events (Graduation, open days, etc.)
3. The Poly Alumni bank account - No. 560-167-490-631 at the Long Circular Mall Republic Bank branch has been opened
4. Creation of Facebook Page & Blog - The blog is at : ; there is also a website that has almost completed construction

We have come to a basic realization: in order to move to the next level we need more input. Most of the executive are young professionals just establishing themselves, so you can imagine the challenges in getting together to plan and organize. The same people are also expected to handle implementation. As stated above, we were able to organize a small fundraiser/get-together (PolyKIXX) early 2011. We were well advanced in planning for another get-together (and/or a Christmas dinner) later in the year. Well, you all know what happened towards the end of 2011.

In any case, we plan to move on. The reality is that we need 'more hands on deck'. We have plans for functions in March and July. We also want to support the school in a major event planned for November. Based on our experiences to date we are sure we can make the alumni self-sustaining this year, once we put forward our best effort and get the help and support we need. We also need financial help, but we are putting other plans in place to take care of that aspect. 

We are therefore inviting all of you to an SGM scheduled for Saturday March 3rd at 6:30 PM at Poly. There we will be giving more details about the projects and plans we have. We will also be open to queries and suggestions (and even a little constructive criticism). We know everyone is busy, but we would really like as many as possible to turn out. The meeting should not be more than 60 to 75 minutes long.

Poly is a great 'Second Chance' institution. We would like you to give us a chance to make it better. See you there.


Sunday, November 13, 2011

What could polytechnic look like in the next 10 years

If Sixth Form Government/Polytechnic Institute could get a makeover what would changes would you like to see?  These pictures inspired me to see an ultra modern version of what the school could look like.
Student lounge
Large library

Monday, November 7, 2011

Updated Sixth Form Polytechnic Alumni Blog

Welcome to the new Sixth Form Polytechnic Alumni blog. This blog will feature alumni interviews, polls, alumni events and articles. We want to network with all past students and encourage current students to join the alumni association.  Connect with us on Facebook at

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Inaugural Poly Kixx

Inaugural Poly Kixx : BBQ & Sports Extravaganza

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Poly Alumni Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Lime

Poly Alumni Annual General Meeting (AGM) & Lime

Saturday 20th November 2010 .

At the school campus

Ethel Street

Saint James .